Stricter Term Limits

The current composition of the Alabama legislature begs for a changeover to new thoughts, new attitudes, and new representatives. My opponent is a fine man, and I will never disparage his character whatsoever, but many of his stances on social and economic issues do not agree with my beliefs and many others I have spoken with in District 3. It's time for a change.

The list of political offices in Alabama which have no limits on the number of times an individual can run, includes State Senator, State Representative, Public Service Commission, Supreme Court, State Board of Education, Circuit Judges, District Attorney, and many, many more. If the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General and others are limited to 2 terms, why do we allow career politicians to establish dynasties year after year? This is a change which is long overdue.

Specifically, my opponent has been the District 3 Senator for 16 years, and is now seeking to extend that out to 20 years. While he has been an active member of that body, he has failed in many areas which are important to a lot of Alabamians. He supported the recent gasoline fuel tax increase, he has repeatedly blocked Alabamians from voting on a state-wide education lottery, he has introduced several freedom-restricting laws, and he has failed to re-write a state constitution which should have been replaced a century ago. These are but a few of the issues he has lagged behind on during his 16 years in office. When we have a state senator who has been in office since 1990 (32 years) and is running again to extend it out to 36 years, then it's painfully obvious that a change is needed. All state senators and all state representatives should serve in office no more than 12 years.

My opponent stipulates in his most filings of the Public Statement of Economic Interests, that he is currently the Executive Vice President for Cook's Pest control and that he expends more than 1/3 or his working time in that position. I am retired and have no other job which would interfere with my performance as a Full-time State Senator and believe that this fact is a valid consideration for Alabama voters to consider.


Finally, I can end the suspense right now by promising that if I'm elected, I will stay in office for only 1 term (4 years) and get as much done in that timeframe as is humanly possible to make this a better state. At the conclusion of that term, I will help identify and support another individual I feel will carry on the same ideas and principles that I'm advocating.