
Perhaps the most divisive topic confronting the country today is associated with abortion, particularly with the latest Supreme Court ruling. I like everyone else, have a position on this extremely important matter but believe that it is a subject which is best resolved at the state level, by the voters, rather than by a group of legislators attempting to satisfy a group of their base supporters while walking in lockstep like toy soldiers to their party's position. As stated earlier, I have a different position on this topic than the national Libertarian platform but will keep those specifics to myself and instead allow the voters to have the final word on the matter via statewide referendums which will bracket the statewide stance and then provide the final determination. Each referendum will be voted on as Yes or No. Any referendum receiving over 50% of the vote shall proceed to a runoff where the dominate referendum shall be mandated to the state legislature for full implementation in less than 3 months after the final vote.

Referendum #1: Life begins at Conception. No civilized society permits one human to intentionally harm or take the life of another human without punishment, and abortion is no different. No abortion procedures shall be permitted within the State of Alabama under severe penalty to both the provider and recipient of said procedure. Yes or No.

Referendum #2: Life begins at the moment an infant heartbeat is detected. Using accepted medical technologies, the detection of a heartbeat is possible at the 6-7 week stage of fetal development. At this stage the baby is pumping blood throughout the body, is considered to be a living human being, and shall be protected by law as deserving of the full range of civil liberties and freedom. No abortion procedures shall be permitted within the State of Alabama without first verifying the lack of a fetal heartbeat under severe penalty to both the provider and recipient of said procedure. Yes or No.

Referendum #3: Life begins after the medically recognized conclusion of the First Trimester and at that point the child shall be protected by law as deserving of the full range of civil liberties and freedom. The first trimester is when a fetus is attached by the placenta and umbilical cord to the mother. As such, its health is dependent on her health, and cannot be regarded as a separate entity as it cannot exist outside her womb. No abortion procedures shall be permitted within the State of Alabama beyond the first trimester as defined on a case-by-case basis by a minimum of three physicians, under severe penalty to both the provider and recipient of said procedure. Yes or No.

Referendum #4: Unlimited abortion on demand. The ability of a woman to have control her body is critical to her Civil Rights. The Government should not force a woman to continue with an unwanted pregnancy. Neither provider nor recipient shall be subject to criminal prosecution in relation to an abortion. Yes of No.

Referendum #5: Rape and Incest. A mitigating factor shall be considered in the case of a proven instance of rape or incest. The official acceptance of the laws regarding abortion in the state of Alabama, shall incorporate and permit abortion after determination of the occurrence of rape or incest. The mental wellness of the woman shall be the primary consideration in this situation. Yes or No.

Referendum #6: Out-of-State Abortion. An individual securing an abortion outside of the state of Alabama shall not be prosecuted under Alabama laws, recognizing each state's sovereign rights to establish and enforce laws and regulations regarding abortion. Yes or No.

This approach, using statewide referendums, is a new way in which Alabama voters can make their voices heard in a way which has never been done before. It is a right offered to many other Americans in most states and should be our right too!
